Sunday, 5 December 2010

What you desire?

What is it you TRUELY DESIRE? FOCUS ON IT FULLY... Think of every detail...
SEE IT (in your mind)
(if you can :-S lol )
Envisage everything around what it is you DESIRE...
What ever you beleive for long enough...
Will ALWAYS come true...
Its just a matter of...
And Chi...


What ever you want....

What ever you want,
Wants you.
What ever you love,
Loves you (but mabe not in the way you want it to)
The closer you get to what you want
The closer what you want gets to you
What ever you focus on
Focuses on you
What ever you open your mind to,
Is opened up to you.
The more you want something and the more you positively focus and try to get it.
The more those positive actions will help you get it...
Stay open
Focus on what you DO want.
And when the oppotunity presents itself...
Dont try...

Why Worry... A Taoist Life Mentor's approach...

A old Daoist saying...
Why worry?
Worry turns to Stress.
Stress turns to Tension
Tension turns to Illness.
Illness eventualy turns to death.

Worrying makes you become Stressed...
(Negative)Stress builds up in your body and creates Tension.
Tension builds up in the body reducing the blood, oxygen and Chi flow which increases tension in the body which makes you and makes the body more stiff, espeacialy around the neck and shoulders increasing the chance of headaches, migranes, panack attacks ect which are all in essence illnesses. And Doctors do say that at least a majority of Illnesses are a direct result to Worry and Stress.
Finally if illnesses build up in the body and normaly over a period of years slowly breaks down the organs untill they fail and you die....
So worrying may not be a good move?
Also Daoists say
Why Worry?
If your worrying about something you can do nothhing about...
Theres NOTHING you can do about it...
If your worrying about something that you CAN do something about....
Just do what you have to do...
Why Worry?

Friday, 3 December 2010


What should I Focus on...?

Focus on what makes me happy...

Focus on my desires (however crazy they seem?)


Focus on being healthy...

Focus on abundance...

Focus on being GRATEFULL...


Focus on playing my desires in my daydreams and meditations daily...

Focus on Love...

Focus on being succesfull at everything I do...

Thats what I should focus on...


Love and Chi


The simple truth...

The truth is simple...
Our atoms were once from living stars that existed billions of years ago... The whole Universe, which consits of BILLIONS OF GALAXIES all came from one point...
The Big Bang...
So simply we are all made from the same stuff and so when you say you want to reach for the stars...
Anything is possible...
Be your dreams
Love and Chi

Up's and Down's, Do's and Dont's...

The bigger the down...
The bigger the up...
So when sadness is upon you... Happiness cant be too far away...
Life is change...
Focus on what you do want, not what you dont...
But hey...
What do I know? :-P
Love and Chi

The Way Of.... Ego/Monkey Mind

Monkey Mind otherwise known as 'Ego' feeds of your Chi and llives in your fore brain...People talk about ridding yourself of your Ego....
But thats impossible...
Its like saying you will rid the world of evil...
You cant....Evil is the complementry opposite of Good....
Like Night and Day..
Up and Down..
Hot and ColdYin and Yang...
 ectThe 'Ego' is the complementry opposite of the quiet mind...
You CAN NOT rid yourself of the Ego...
Only minimise it...
By redirecting your Chi else where....
The Ego will still exist but will remain small and nolonger controlling your main thoughts...
It will reappear in the back ground every now again stiring thoughts and allowing the mind not to become stagnent....
Balance is the main aim in eveything we do....
The aim is to make the ego be your allie,
 not your master...
Paul 'Boggie' Brighton

Thursday, 2 December 2010

The 3 1's... Mind, Body and Spirit...

Your aim in life....
Is to obtain the 3 1's...
Being able to truely know yourself,to be happy with yourself,to Love yourself without the need of others to clarify it should be your aim (Mind/Emotion)....
To be fit and healthy enough not to have any aches or pains or suffer from illness and to be able physicaly to do anything you want with out limitation should be your aim (Body)....
To be able to connect to the energy in your body and the Universe wether threw your meditations or dreams and to connect beyound what you can physicaly see, feel, hear, touch, taste and know should be your aim (Spirit)....
So the 3 1's should be in total balance...
If you increase 1 the other 2 will need to be eaqualed....
Otherwise you wont feel totaly whole...
This is your ultimate aim...
But then again...
What do I know...
Love and Chi

Live for now....

People tend to live in the past as its a lot less scaryer than the present or the future...
Its safe as they know it fully.
And can relive it in their heads over and over...
The Ego loves the past as it knows people will dwell there...
Wether its in good memorys or bad ones...
Where intention goes...
Chi flows....
So if you focus alot on the past...
Or negative outcomes...
Thats where a lot of you energy will be directed towards...
When you start to think about it in that way certain things start to make sense...
Why focus on the past...
Or negative outcomes...
Or even TOO MUCH about the future...
As that would be a waste of your Chi!
Focus on what you DO WANT...
Focus on what your future aims are,BUT focus more on what you need to do NOW to acheive those aims...
Focus on enjoying the life you have NOW...
And that focus will attract more of the same...
And so does grattatude...
But then again...
What do I know...

What do I know... A Taoist Life Mentor's approach.: Western minded People in the past have barated me ...

What do I know... A Taoist Life Mentor's approach.: Western minded People in the past have barated me ...: "Western minded People in the past have barated me for saying this... Saying 'it makes people think your dumb' or 'it makes people think you ..."

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Western minded People in the past have barated me for saying this...
Saying 'it makes people think your dumb' or 'it makes people think you dont beleive in the things you say...'

What do I know?

Is a Daoist lesson and saying....
My Daoist Sifus Shun and Po would say it a lot....
Its said with humour and to be seen as a reminder...
That however much you know, there is ALWAYS MUCH MORE TO LEARN!
That if you let your ego get in the way, it will try to convince you... THAT YOU ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN LEARN FROM ANYONE...

What do I know

Is there to give you a little smack with a wet fish!
And remind you that you are always a student in this game of life...
Even Sifu/Teacher can learn from the student....
Nature will always be ready to teach you something if you are open, willing and humble enough to listen...
Dont Worry
Let go...
And go with the flow...
Have fun!
And what ever you want to beleive...
Is true!
But remember...
What do I know?